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Grass roots is about getting

back to the roots of fitness

and wellness. Health is a lifestyle, not a destination or simply achieving a goal.

-Becky Tucker

Fitness is about SO much more than exercise.  And, you need to be able to maintain fitness and wellness throughout your journey; it is a lifestyle, not a destination or simply achieving a goal.  At GrassRoots, we believe in cultivating LIFE and encompassing movement with eating good food...and being able to incorporate these elements not just because it is doable, but because it is fun and because you notice that your life is being enhanced through developing new habits.  


With that being said, it is important to achieve the balance of being challenged, but not overwhelmed.  We use our extensive experience to create exercise programming that is safe, yet effective...and programming that can be modified for every individual’s needs.  


Lastly, a fitness and wellness journey is so much more compelling (and lasting, too) when you have a community behind you...when you have support, people to talk to, new ideas that are shared instead of someone telling you what to do.   GrassRoots will create that community for you.


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